Touring in Romania Lite

by Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide

Travel & Local


Aplicatie mobila cu trasee pentru motociclisti.

The second guidebook of the Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide project: Touring Romania proposes 28 routes on tarmac that cover all the regions of the country. The majority of the routes, 21 of them, are covering the historical regions of Romania like: Maramures, Banat, Transilvania or Dobrogea. The other 7 take the travelers on the major mountain passes of the Carpathian Mountains. All of these have a duration of one or two days. For a longer adventure in Romania at the end of the guide 5 longer routes (up to 8 days) have been proposed by combining the 28 routes. All the mentioned routes are integrated in the mobile app and, for each route you can access: - the starting point, duration, total length and the difficulty - detailed description of the route - contact details from the accommodations - details and photos of the recommended sights - the main cities that indicate the route direction The most important function of the app is the navigation. Each route is marked in the map and also all the elements mentioned above (sights, accommodation, gas stations, etc.). Also you have the Night Mode option, a minimal contact color scheme for the rides that go into the night.Finally the turn by turn navigation gets fixed with this version.

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Ultima versiune crapa la accesarea hartii unui 7.1.1

A Google user

Nu am inca Editioa 2, dar am cumparat editia 1 si nu pot folosi codul pentru a incarca hartile. Deocamdata aplicatia imi este inutila. Chiar daca voi cumpara editia 2, tot mi se pare obligatoriu sa pot incarca traseele din ambele editii.

Dragoș Ștefan

Buna initiativa dar mie nu-mi merge codul de pe carte. Am luat ce-i drept o data hartile de pe site dar totusi ar trebui sa imi mearga si in aplicatie codul. Cu atat mai mult cu cat nu era aplicatia cand am descarcat eu hartile.

Tudor-Cristian Belea

Are crash pe Motorola Moto X Play Android 6.0.1 . Crash-ul se intampla atunci cand selectez Start Nav. si nu am locatia pornita, am observat ca activarea locatiei inainte nu produce acest crash. Multumesc de reply

Mihai Mirea

Great tracks. Hope for more in the future.

Stefan Dunca